
Monday, 3 March 2014

February Purchases

My February purchases list is going to be shorter than January's since I have been SO BUSY I didn't really have any time to actually go shopping, either at the mall or online!  I swear lately I am always jammed in between one commitment and the next- can't wait until this semester is over! Okay so the Forever 21 stuff isn't completely 'practical'... but I gotta have fun sometime, don't I?

  • Joe Fresh pink cowl neck sweater - I have one in grey & I love it and wanted the pink one, so when I saw it for $10 it was a steal
  • H&M silver chain link necklace, black/gold heart necklace - I LOVE the chain link necklace, it really pops and I don't have any other pieces like it (mine is silver, not gold like the picture). The heart necklace is a good dainty necklace for during the summer
  • FOREVER21 - I used a gift card so it didn't cost me anything!
    • blue leopard bodysuit - this was a 'just for fun' purchase, not sure if I'll regret it or not. With my love of leopard, how could I resist?
    • paris crop top, pink crop top - The Paris & pink crop tops are to wear under floaty tank tops in the spring & summer
  • JOE FRESH pink jeans - I recently realized my pink jeans (seen in the last post) were too big for me as I've lost a bit of weight over the past few years. These new jeans are their replacement!

I definitely noticed a drop in the urge to impulse purchase over the past month, mostly because of my busyness- but when I went in to Superstore to grab groceries I bought the pink jeans (and on another day, the cowl neck sweater) telling myself I wanted/needed them; and in those moments I really did feel COMPELLED to purchase them no matter what. I know i will get wear out of them so I think it will be okay. I think my plan for the month of March is to make as few purchases as possible; and coming up in April or May I will do a closet inventory to end off winter and start of my Spring/Summer wardrobe. I know already that I want some more summer dresses (which can possibly be procured with a few trips to some thrift stores) and maybe some tops; but first I must inventory to see what I have, and what I really need first!

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